Saturday, June 16, 2007

Girls in Panties: Tired of the online Spam!

There are great videos online. They are funny and enlightening. I am sure that many of you have found a cool video on Youtube, Google, Aol or other favorite video websites. However, it seems so difficult to find entertaining videos when having to sort through pages of junk. This frustration is felt not only by viewers, but also by many video creators. People upload their great piece of work only to find out that they are buried under a pile of trash.....called Spam!

This spam is posted in the comment section, forums and as videos. A lot of the videos being posted online is pure junk. I am sure that there are many people who can agree with this. I am talking about the videos that last for 3 minutes or maybe a few seconds and all you see is a computer screen showing a pixelated website, or pets that sit on a chair and do nothing. This is ridiculous.

There is also another type of online spam taking up many of the user generated media websites including youtube. The creators of this junk post videos containing women walking down the street, getting dressed or dancing around in bikini's. An observation of the world of online video was recently published. It is appropriately titled "Why Soft-core Porn Spammers Are Ruining the Online Video Platform". The publisher changed my original title, but that is alright. The point is still able to get across to those who need to understand many people are tired of this video spam.